Opportunities for Students
Sample TDLC Publications 2011-12

Note: This is a sampling of TDLC publications. Please contact us for a complete list of publications. Please note copyright notice at bottom of page.

Avidan, G., Tanzer, M., & Behrmann, M. (2011). Impaired holistic processing in congenital prosopagnosia, Neuropsychologia, 49, 9, 2541-2552.

Belluscio, M.A., Mizuseki, K., Schmidt, R., Kempter, R., & Buzsaki, G. (2012). J Neurosci. Jan 11;32(2):423-35. PMID:22238079. Cross-frequency phase-phase coupling between θ and γ oscillations in the hippocampus.

Bub, D. (in press 2012) Facing the challenge of variation in neuropsychological populations: Lessons from biology. Cognitive Neuropsychology.

Bub, D.N., & Masson, M.E.J. (in press 2012). On the dynamics of action representations evoked by names of manipulable objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Bukach, C.M., Gauthier, I., Tarr, M.J., Kadlec, H., Barth, S., Ryan, E., Turpin, J., & Bub, D.N. (in press). Does acquisition of Greeble expertise in prosopagnosia rule out a domain-general deficit? Neuropsychologia.

Cheung, O., Richler, J., Phillips, W.S., Gauthier, I. (2011). Does temporal integration of face parts reflect holistic processing? Psychon Bull Rev, 18:476-483

Chevallier, C., Kohls, G., Troiani, V., Brodkin, E.S. & Schultz, R.T. The social motivation theory of autism (2012). Trends in Cognitive Science, 16, 231-239.

Chukoskie, L., Snider, J., Mozer, M. C., Krauzlis, R. J., & Sejnowski, T. J. (submitted). Optimal learning of where to look.

Cipollini, B., Hsiao, J H-W., and Cottrell, G.W. (2012) Connectivity Asymmetry Can Explain Visual Hemispheric Asymmetries in Local/Global, Face, and Spatial Frequency Processing. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Curran, T. & Doyle, J. (2011). Picture superiority doubly dissociates the ERP correlates of recollection and familiarity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 1247-1262. PMCID20350169.

de Barbaro, K., Chiba, A., & Deak, G.O. (2011). Micro-analysis of infant looking in a naturalistic social setting: Insights from biologically based models of attention. Developmental Science, 14, 1150-1160.

Dipietro, L., Poizner, H., & Krebs, H.I. EEG correlates of submovements. Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011, 7429-7432.

Folstein, J.R., Palmeri, T., & Gauthier, I. (in press). Category learning increases discriminability of relevant object dimensions in visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex.

Folstein, J.R., Gauthier, I., & Palmeri, T.J. (in press). How category learning affects object representations: Not all morph spaces stretch alike. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition.

Folstein, J., Palmeri, T.J., & Gauthier, I (in press). Category learning increases discriminability of relevant object dimensions in visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex.

Fujisawa, S. & Buzsaki, G. (2011). Neuron. Oct 6;72(1):153-65. PMID:21982376. A 4 Hz oscillation adaptively synchronizes prefrontal, VTA, and hippocampal activities.

Gou, Z., Choudhury, N. & Benasich, A.A. (2011). Resting frontal gamma power at 16, 24 and 36 months predicts individual differences in language and cognition at 4 and 5 years. Behavioral Brain Research, 220, 2, 263-70. (doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2011.01.048).

Hamalainen, J.A., Ortiz-Mantilla, S., & Benasich, A.A. (2011). Source localization of event-related potentials to pitch change mapped onto age-appropriate MRIs at 6 months of age. NeuroImage, 54, 3, 1910-1918. (doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.10.016).

Heim, S., Friedman, J.T., Keil, A., & Benasich, A.A. (2011). Reduced sensory oscillatory activity during rapid auditory processing as a correlate of language-learning impairment. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 24, 5, 539-555. (doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2010.09.006).

Herzmann, G. & Curran, T. (2011). Experts' memory: An ERP study of perceptual expertise effects on encoding and recognition. Memory & Cognition, 39, 412-432.

Herzmann, G., Willenbockel, V., Tanaka, J.W., & Curran, T. (2011). The neural processes underlying memory encoding and recognition of own-race and other-race faces. Neuropsychologia, 31, 3103-3115.

Herzmann, G., Young, B., Bird, C. W., & Curran, T. (in press). Oxytocin can impair memory for social and non-social visual objects: A within-subject investigation of oxytocin's effects on human memory. Brain Research.

Itskov, .V, Curto, C., Pastalkova, E., & Buzsaki, G. (2011). Neurosci. Feb 23;31(8):2828-34. PMID:21414904. Cell assembly sequences arising from spike threshold adaptation keep track of time in the hippocampus.

Jiang, F., Dricot, L., Weber, J., Righi, G., Tarr, M.J., Gobel, R., & Rossion, B. (2011). Face categorization in visual scenes may start in a higher order area of the right fusiform gyrus: evidence from dynamic visual stimulation in neuroimaging. Journal of Neurophysiology, 106, 2720-2736. e-print, doi:10.1152/jn.00672.2010.

Kang, S.H.K., Pashler, H., Cepeda, N.J., Rohrer, D., Carpenter, S.K., & Mozer, M.C. (2011). Does incorrect guessing impair fact learning? Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 48-59.

Kang, S.H.K., Lindsey, R.V., Mozer, M.C., & Pashler, H. (submitted). Retrieval practice over the long term: Expanding or equal-interval spacing?

Kang, S.H.K, & Pashler, H. (2012). Learning painting styles: Spacing is advantageous when it promotes discriminative contrast. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 97-103.

Kang, S.H.K, McDaniel, M.A., & Pashler, H. (2011). Effects of testing on learning of functions . Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18, 998-1005.

Konen, C., Behrmann, M., Nishimura, M. & Kastner, S. (2011). The functional neuroanatomy of object agnosia: a case study, Neuron, 71, 49-60.

Lainscsek, C., Rowat, P., Letellier, C., & Poizner, H. Finger tapping movements of Parkinson's disease patients automatically rated using nonlinear Delay Differential Equations, Chaos, 2012, 22, 013119; doi: 10.1063/1.3683444. [Epub ahead of print].

Lee, H., Mozer, M. C., Kramer, A. F., & Vecera, S. P. (in press). Object-based control of attention is sensitive to recent experience. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.[doi 10.1037/a0025597]

Leeds, D., Seibert, D., Pyles, J., & Tarr, M. (2011 May). Unraveling the visual and semantic components of object representation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, Naples, Florida, USA.

Lewandowsky, S., Palmeri, T.J., & Waldmann, M.R. (in press). Introduction to special section on theory and data in categorization: Integrating computational, behavioral, and cognitive neuroscience approaches. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Liao, Y., Danly, J., Vankov, A., Makeig, S., & Deak, G. (2011). Adult-like changes in mu rhythm activity in young children accompany action observation and execution in a social context. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

Lindsey, R., Polsdofer, E., Mozer, M.C., Kang, S., H., K., & Pashler, H. (submitted). Long-term recency is nothing more than ordinary forgetting.

Link, B.V., Kos, B., Wager, T.D., & Mozer M.C. (2011). Past experience influences judgment of pain: Prediction of sequential dependencies. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33d Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1248-1253). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Littlewort, G.C., Salamanca, L.P., Reilly, J.S., & Bartlett M.S. (2011). Automated measurement of children's facial expressions during problem solving tasks. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, p. 30-35.

Littlewort, G., Whitehill, J., Wu, T., Fasel, I., Frank, M., Movellan, J., & Bartlett, M (2011) The Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox (CERT). Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, p. 298-305.

Liu, E., H.-M., Mercado, E., III, & Church, B.A. (2011). Multidimensional processing of dynamic sounds: More than meets the ear. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 73, 2624-2638.

Mack, M.L., & Palmeri, T.J. (2011). The timing of visual object categorization. Frontiers in Perception Science.

Mack, M.L., Richler, J.J., Gauthier, I., & Palmeri, T.J. (2011). Indecision on decisional separability. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 1-9.

Monosov, I.E., Sheinberg, D.L, & Thompson, K.G. (2011). The effects of prefrontal cortex inactivation on object responses of single neurons in the inferotemporal cortex during visual search, J. Neurosci. 2011;31 15956-15961.

Masson, M.E.J., Bub, D.N., & Breuer, A.T. (2011). Priming of reach and grasp actions by handled objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 1470-1484.

Masson, M. & Bub, D.N. (submitted). Dynamic evocation of hand action representations during sentence comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology (General).

McGugin, R., Tanaka J.W., Lebrecht, S., Tarr, M.J., & Gauthier, I. (2011). Race-specific perceptual discrimination improvement following short individuation training with faces. Cognitive Science, 35(2), 330-347.

Miyashita T. & Feldman, D.E. (submitted 2012) Behavioral detection of passive whisker stimuli requires somatosensory cortex.

Nestor, A., Plaut, D. C. & Behrmann, M. (2011). Unraveling the distributed neural code of facial identity through spatiotemporal pattern analysis, PNAS, 108, 24, 9998-10003.

Nestor, A., Vettel, J. & Tarr, M.J. (submitted) Internal representations for face detection - an application of noise-based image classification to BOLD responses. Human Brain Mapping.

Nestor, A., Behrmann, M. & Plaut, D. C. (submitted) The neural basis of visual word form processing - a multivariate investigation. Cerebral Cortex.

Orduña, I., Liu, E., H.-M., Church, B. A., Eddins, A. C., & Mercado, E., III. (2012). Evoked-potential changes following discrimination learning involving complex sounds. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123, 711-719.

Ortiz-Mantilla, S., Hamalainen, J.A., & Benasich, A.A. (2012). Time course of ERP generators to syllables in infants: A source localization study using age-appropriate brain templates. NeuroImage, 59, 3275-3287.

Pashler, H. Kang, S., & Mozer, M. C. (submitted). Reviewing erroneous information facilitates memory updating.

Phillips, J.S., Greenberg, A.S., Pyles, J.A., Pathak, S.K., Behrmann, M., Schneider, W., & Tarr, M.J. (in press). Co-analysis of brain structure and function using fMRI and diffusion-weighted imaging. JoVE.

Pierce, L. J., Scott, L., Boddington, S., Droucker, D., Curran, T., & Tanaka, J. (2011). The N250 brain potential to personally familiar and newly learned faces and objects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5, 1-13.

Plank, M., Hillyard, S., Huang, C., Alzano, D., Gepshtein, S., & Poizner, H., Eye-Hand Coordination and EEG Microstates Associated with Rapid Pointing under Risk and Uncertainty, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April, 2011.

Plaut, D. & Behrmann, M. (2011). Complementary neural representations for faces and words: A computational exploration. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 28, 251-275.

Poizner H. Differential effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on speech and limb movements in Parkinson's Disease (PD): Clues to basic mechanisms. J Acoust Soc Am. 2011 Oct;130(4):2410. PubMed PMID: 21973837.

Poizner, H., Lancaster, J., Tunik, E., Narayana, S., Franklin, C., Rogers, W., Li, X., Fox, P.T., & Robin, D.A. Towards a healthy human model of neural disorders of movement, Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2012 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print].

Pouget, P., Logan, G.D., Palmeri, T.J., Boucher, L., & Schall, J.D. (2011). Neural basis of adaptive response time adjustment. The Journal of Neuroscience.

Purcell, B.A., Schall, J.D., Logan, G.D., & Palmeri, T.J. (in press). Gated stochastic accumulator model of visual search. Journal of Neuroscience.
Radell, M.L., Wisniewski, M.G., Church, B.A., & Mercado, E., III (submitted). Benefits of progressive training in comparison to anchoring.

Rangel, L. M., Alexander, A.S., Aimone, J.B, Wiles, J., Gage,  F.H., Chiba, A.A., Quinn, L. K. (Submitted) Temporally Selective Contextual Encoding in the Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus.

Reid, S. & Mozer, M. C. (submitted). Probabilistic pairwise classification.
Remington, R., Wu, S., & Pashler, H. (2011). What determines saccade timing in eye-hand sequences? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18, 538-543.

Richler, J.J., Cheung, O.S. &. Gauthier, I. (2011). Beliefs alter holistic face processing: If response bias is not taken into account. Journal of Vision, 11(13):17.

Richler, J.J., Gauthier, I., & Palmeri, T.J. (2011). Automaticity of basic-level categorization accounts for labeling effects in visual recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 37(6): 1579-87. PMID: 21767063.

Richler, J.J., Gauthier, I., & Palmeri, T.J. (2011). Automaticity of basic-level categorization accounts for labeling effects in visual recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Richler, J.J., Mack, M.L., Palmeri, T.J., & Gauthier, I. (2011). Inverted faces are (eventually) processed holistically. Vision Research, 51, 333-342.

Richler, J., Wong, Y., Gauthier, I. (2011). Perceptual Expertise as a Shift From Strategic Interference to Automatic Holistic Processing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20: 129.

Righi, G., Peissig, J.J., & Tarr, M.J. (2012). Recognizing disguised faces. Visual Cognition, 20(2), 143-169.

Schall, J.D., Purcell, B.A., Heitz, R.P., Logan, G.D., & Palmeri, T.J. (2011). Neural mechanisms of saccade target selection: Gated accumulator model of visual-motor cascade. European Journal of Neuroscience.

Scherf, K.S., Luna, B., Avidan, G., & Behrmann, M. (2011). "What" precedes "which": Developmental neural tuning in face- and place-related cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 21, 1963-1980.

Scherf, K. S., Behrmann, M. & Dahl, R. (in press 2011). Facing changes & changing faces in adolescence: Investigating the neural basis of key developmental shifts in social-information processing, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

Simpkins, A. & Todorov, E. (2011). Complex object manipulation with hierarchical optimal control. In IEEE Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning.

Snider, J., Plank, M., Lee, D., & Poizner, H. (in press 2011). Simultaneous neural and movement recording in large-scale immersive virtual environments, Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference.

Snider, J., Plank, M., May, L., Liu, T., & Poizner, H. (2011). Adaptation of a haptic robot in a 3T fMRI, Journal of Visual Experiments, J. Vis. Exp. (56), e3364, DOI: 10.3791/3364.

Starrfelt, R. & Behrmann, M. (2011). Number reading in pure alexia: A review, Neuropsychologia, 49, 9, 2283-2298.

Tassa, Y., Erez, T. & Todorov, E. (2011). Optimal limit-cycle control recast as Bayesian inference. In World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control.

Tanaka, J., Meixner, T., & Kantner, J. (2011). Exploring the perceptual spaces of faces, cars and birds in children and adults. Developmental Science, 14:4, pp 762-768.

Torres, E., Heilman, K.M., & Poizner, H. Impaired automatic movements in PD, Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 31, 17848-17863.

Tsuchida, T.S., and Cottrell, G.W. (2012) Auditory Saliency Using Natural Statistics. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Whitehill, J., Serpell, Z., Foster, A., Lin, Y.C., Pearson, B., Bartlett, M., et al. (2011). Toward an optimal affect-sensitive instructional system of cognitive skills. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Human Communicative Behavior, (pp. 20 - 25).

Wilder, M.H., Ahmed, A., Jones, M., Curran, T., & Mozer, M.C. (submitted). Long lasting impact of incidental experience.

Wisniewski, M.G., Radell, M.L., Guillette, L.M., Sturdy, C.B., & Mercado, E., III (in press). Predicting shifts in generalization gradients with perceptrons. Learning & Behavior.

Wisniewski, M.G., & Liu, E.H. (in press). Temporal dynamics in auditory perceptual learning: Impact of sequencing and incidental learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Wisniewski, M.G., Mercado, E., III, Gramann, K., & Makeig, S. (submitted). Familiarity with speech affects cortical processing of auditory distance cues and increases acuity.

Wisniewski, M.G., Church, B.A., & Mercado, E., III (submitted). Individual differences in acquisition predict dynamics of generalization.

Woloszyn, L. & Sheinberg, D.L (2012). Effects of long-term visual experience on responses of distinct classes of single units in inferior temporal cortex, Neuron, 74 (1): 193-205.

Wong, Y.K. & Gauthier, I. (in press). Music-reading expertise alters visual spatial resolution for musical notation, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.

Wong, Y.K., Folstein, J.R., & Gauthier, I. (in press). The nature of experience determines object representations in the visual system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Wong, Y.K., Folstein, J.R. & Gauthier, I. (2011). Task-irrelevant perceptual expertise, Journal of Vision, 11(14):3.

Wong, A., Qu, Z., McGugin, R., & Gauthier, I. (2011). Interference in character processing reflects common perceptual expertise across writing systems. Journal of Vision, 11(1), 1-8.

Wu, T., Butko, N.J., Ruvolo, P., Whitehill, J., Bartlett, M.S., & Movellan, J.R. (in press). Multi-layer architectures for facial action unit recognition. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics -- Part B (TSMC-B).

Yang, R., and Cottrell, G.W. (2012) The Influence of Risk Aversion on Visual Decision Making.  In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

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: These publications have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work to the National Science Foundation only. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.