Marlene Behrmann and Michael J. Tarr Receive the Chuck Noll Foundation for Brain Injury Research Grant - March 2018
The grant is a $130,000, three-year grant to use their newly modified high-density EEG to identify early markers for worsening brain injuries. The team will work closely with clinicians at the University of Pittsburgh.

Jim Tanaka Receives the Provost’s Engaged Scholar Award - February 2018
Dr. Jim Tanaka is one of two recipients of the Provost’s Engaged Scholar Award. The award honors tenured faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship in their field, as well as inspired teaching and community engagement. Read more 

Terrence Sejnowski Elected to the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow Status - December 2017
Election to NAI Fellow status is the highest professional distinction accorded solely to academic inventors who have demonstrated a prolific spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on quality of life, economic development, and the welfare of society.

Gyuri Buzsaki Elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) - May 2017
NAS members are elected by their peers for their scientific excellence and contributions to research. This is one of the highest honors for scientists.

CSE Professor Honored with Cognitive Science Society Fellowship
TDLC Director Dr. Gary Cottrell has been elected a Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society, an honor reflecting his "impact on the Cognitive Science community and... sustained record of excellence in research contributions." (7/31/17) Read more from the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Newsletter at UC San Diego (2nd story)

Dr. Jim Tanaka Receives 2016 Outstanding Community Service Award and Award for Excellence in Research-Inspired Teaching at the University of Victoria (5/30/16)
Dr. Tanaka received these new awards presented for teaching distinction at the University of Victoria. More Photos

Terrence Sejnowski Receives Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience (10/9/15)
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) awarded the Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience to TDLC Co-Director Dr. Terrence Sejnowski. The award recognizes an individual who has "produced a significant cumulative contribution to theoretical models or computational methods in neuroscience."

Dan Feldman receives the Javits Neuroscience Investigator Award - May 2015
For achievement and productivity in neuroscience research

Isabel Gauthier Named 2015 SEC Professor of the Year! This award is given annually to one SEC faculty member whose "record of teaching, research and scholarship places him or her among the elite in higher education." (4/29/15) More

TDLC Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) student, Parker Cohn, wins first place in the San Diego Social Innovation Challenge 2015 with his H2gO water purification project! Learn more about his project, and read about the Social Innovation Challenge winners 

TDLC's Marlene Behrmann Elected To National Academy of Sciences!
In recognition of her distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Dr. Behrmann is the first female scientist from Carnegie Mellon University to be elected to the NAS. (4/28/15) More

Isabel Gauthier is a recipient of the 2015 Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award! These annual awards honor one faculty member from each SEC university who has excelled in teaching, research and scholarship. (4/8/15) More

TDLC Trainees Win Awards through the Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program!
TDLC undergrads Rafael Aguayo, Jennifer Lu, Shuying Yu, Marlene Samano, and Luisa Schuster, along with graduate student Amanda Song and post-doc Victor Minces, have all won awards through the UC San Diego Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program. This program is an investment in UC San Diego's "leadership role in interdisciplinary research." (3/12/15) Learn more 

Board of Governors Appoints April A. Benasich First Holder of The Elizabeth H. Solomon Endowed Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (Rutgers Today, February 3, 2015) More
Additional article: Rutgers names first holder of endowed chair (myCenteralJersey.com)

TDLC Investigator Dr. Robert Clark Wins Vizzie Award (2/18/15)
Dr. Clark recently received an 'Expert's Choice' Vizzie Award in the Posters and Graphics category for his poster titled "Hippocampal Neurons." The Vizzie awards "mark completion of the first NSF and Popular Science challenge collaboration that celebrates the use of visual media to clearly and accessibly communicate scientific data and research." More 

April Benasich Elected Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce - 2015

Team Assembled by Scott Makeig Wins $300K President's Research Catalyst Award (Dec. 10, 2014)
UC President Janet Napolitano announced the first five recipients, chosen from a pool of almost 200 proposals. Dr. Makeig's project brings together "UC experts on music listening, performance, neuroscience, brain imaging and data science to understand the transformative potential of music for health and cognition." More

Four UC San Diego Faculty Win ‘Early Concept’ Grants from Obama’s BRAIN Initiative
TDLC Co-Director Dr. Andrea Chiba is one of four scientists at UC San Diego (among 36 recipients nationwide) who have been awarded Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) awards from the National Science Foundation. TDLC researchers Janet Wiles and Laleh Quinn are also mentioned as primary researchers on the grant! Read more 

Gyuri Buzsaki - Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher!
TDLC Investigator Gyuri Buzsaki has been selected as a Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher. To earn this distinction, a researcher "ranks among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact." Members represent "some of the world's leading scientific minds." TDLC investigator Rusty Gage is also a member of this distinguished group. More 

July 18, 2014
Qualcomm Institute Announces Seed Grants to Build Clusters in Brain, Medical and Robotics Research;
35 faculty projects receive one-year grants topping $1.6 million
TDLC Researcher Leanne Chukoskie is the recipient of one of the one-year seed grants from The Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego, for her proposal to develop a NeuroGaming Center at UC San Diego. The 35 selected projects are part of the institute's Calit2 Strategic Research Opportunities (CSRO) program. "Each one-year seed grant is worth up to $50,000 in support for researchers in areas of critical interest to the research mission of the institute—and the university ... Among the 35 winning proposals, at least 10 are directly related to brain research – reflecting the importance that the institute places on the newly-established campus Center for Brain Activity Mapping (CBAM)." More

July 1, 2014
Gyuri Buzsaki Receives the Ariëns Kappers Medal
Gyuri Buzsaki received the Ariëns Kappers Medal on July 1, 2014, for his contribution to neuroscience, in particular for his role in understanding brain oscillations. This honor is awarded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on recommendation by the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience to people who made exceptional contributions to neuroscience.
More about the medal Dr. Buzsaki has also been selected as a Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher!

December 12, 2013
Salk Scientist Fred Gage named to National Academy of Inventors
NAI Fellows are nominated by their peers, and "are honored for having demonstrated 'a prolific spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions and innovations that have made a tangible impact on quality of life, economic development, and the welfare of society.'"

December 6, 2013
TDLC investigators Javier Movellan and Marian Stewart Bartlett are co-founders of Emotient, a company that recently received the Most Innovative New Product (MIP) Award in the Software category at the 2013 CONNECT MIP Awards .(Dec. 6, 2013).

Gyuri Buzsaki was elected as a member of the Academia Europaea
The Academia, founded in 1988, "is a European, non-governmental association acting as an Academy." Their members are "scientists and scholars who collectively aim to promote learning, education and research."
More about the Academia 
Three postdoctoral fellows from the Buzsaki lab recently received distinguished awards (2014)
Dion Khodagholy, Ph.D., is the one of the ten recipients of Junior Fellowship of the Simons Society of Fellows; Adrien Peyrache, Ph.D., received a K99 award from NIH, and Luke Sjulston, M.D.,Ph.D., received a K01 award from NIMH.

September 2013
Poizner Lab Grant from ONR:
Hybrid Optical-Electrical Brain Imaging of Multiple Agents Acting in Dynamic Environments
Howard Poizner recently received an equipment grant ($500k) from ONR, entitled, 'Hybrid Optical-Electrical Brain Imaging of Multiple Agents Acting in Dynamic Environments.' The grant will enable the Poizner Lab/Brain Dynamics-Motion Capture Lab to extend their capabilities in simultaneously recording brain activity and movement in complex environments.

August 14, 2013
Preterm Babies at Risk for Later Cognitive Difficulties
A $3 million NIH grant was recently awarded to researchers at UC San Diego to study the impact of preterm birth on early cognitive development and academic measures. TDLC investigators Terry Jernigan, Tim Brown and Judy Reilly are part of this multidisciplinary team of investigators. They will utilize MRI imaging techniques to study links between affected brain areas and pathways and levels of performance on a set of neurocognitive and math functions. More 

April 24, 2013
TDLC's Terry Sejnowski Elected to American Academy of Arts and Science!
Salk researcher Terrence J. Sejnowski, professor and head of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a distinction awarded annually to global leaders in business, government, public affairs, the arts and popular culture as well as biomedical research. More

April 25, 2013
UC San Diego's "Simphony" Research Earns Grammy Foundation Support
John Iversen of the Institute of Neural Computation (INC) at UC San Diego is heading the SIMPHONY Project, one of the first longitudinal studies of its kind on the effects of musical training on brain development. SIMPHONY is being done in collaboration with TDLC researcher Dr. Terry Jernigan of the Center for Human Development. More

December 2012
UCSD's Center for Human Development (CHD) receives NICHD grant to create a new "Innovative Research Hub"

Sept. 2012
TDLC's Paula Tallal named an Inventor of the Year by the New Jersey Hall of Fame!
Paula Tallal is being honored because of her "academic and clinical expertise in neuroscience research and the resulting FastForword series of products, which has benefited children across the globe." More...

Feb. 2012
Dave Deriso awarded Marie Curie Fellows scholarship to study at Oxford University
Dave Deriso has been awarded a Marie Curie Fellows scholarship to study at Oxford University as one of 14 research fellows to be trained in a new European Network. The European Community Seventh Framework Initial Training Network "Adaptive Brain Computations" (ABC) is a multi-disciplinary research and training program which aims to integrate the study of learning and brain plasticity to promote wellbeing and advance healthcare interventions.

Feb. 2012
TDLC research is featured in U.S. News!
National Science Foundation has provided content for an article, located in the Science section of U.S. News, that highlights TDLC research: How the Brain Learns: Researchers study timing, sensory systems, how regions connect.
Feb. 2012
TDLC investigators Paula Tallal and György Buzsaki are both named as members of New Jersey's 20 biggest brains, while TDLC's partner Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Newark (CMBN) is listed as one of Jersey's "brainiest places" according to Inside Jersey. The 20 named individuals have been chosen for their creativity, imagination, and achievement in making significant breakthroughs in their fields.

October 2011
TDLC Receives Renewal from the National Science Foundation!
>UC San Diego's news release:
Learning Center at UC San Diego Wins $18-Million Renewal (Oct. 31, 2011)
>TDLC's news release:
Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center Receives $18-Million Renewal

October 2011
National Science Foundation EFRI Award: TDLC members Scott Makeig, Howard Poizner, and Terrence Sejnowski are collaborating with project leader Gert Cauwenberghs and colleague Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado on a project aimed at creating an innovative, non-invasive approach for rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease patients. The team, all from UC San Diego, recently received an NSF EFRI award for the project, which will use a combination of EEG sensor and force feedback motor control. For more information: > About the NSF EFRI M3C program > NSF news announcement

May 2011
TDLC trainee Dr. Nicholas Butko has been awarded the Jean Fort Dissertation Prize. A Fall 2010 Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Cognitive Science at UC San Diego, Dr. Butko's dissertation is entitled: Active Perception. |

March 4, 2011
TDLC investigator Gyorgy Buzsaki Is Co-Winner of Major European “Brain Prize”
Buzsaki shares prize of one million Euros with two other neuroscientists from his native Hungary
More  |

February 2011
TDLC investigator Isabel Gauthier is appointed Editor of The Journal of Experimental Psychology! An article about her appointment appears on the website of the American Psychological Association (Feb. 2011).
For more information:
> American Psychological Association article

February 8, 2011
Terrence Sejnowski elected to National Academy of Engineering!
Salk Institute professor and TDLC Co-Director Terry J. Sejnowski, Ph.D., has been elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Sejnowski is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine, making him one of only ten living individuals to have been elected to all three branches of the National Academies. Salk Institute press release

February 2011
2011 Trainee Awards
The TDLC training committee has recently awarded small grants to support trainee research and collaboration. |

November 2010 - Larry Squire receives Doctor Honoris Causa - Basel University, Switzerland
September 2010- Daniel Leeds receives a Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences - RK Mellon Foundation
June 2010 - Eva Dundas receives Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences - RK Mellon Foundation
June 2010 - Kenneth Harris receivese the Wolfson Research Merit Award - Royal Society
May 2010 - Daniel Leeds receives the IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training) Fellowship - NSF

April 27, 2010
Salk scientist and TDLC Co-Director Terrence Sejnowski was elected to the National Academy of Sciences
> Salk Institute Press Release

Howard Poizner and Team awarded $4.5M ONR MURI Grant
Howard Poizner (PI, UCSD), and co-PI's Gary Lunch (UC Irvine) and Terry Sejnowski (Salk and UCSD), together with team leaders Hal Pashler, Sergei Gepshtein, Deborah Harrington, Tom Liu, Eric Hlagren, and Ralph Greenspan were recently awarded a $4.5M ONR MURI grant, with a $3M option period, to study the brain bases of unsupervised learning and training. (October 1, 2009)

January 2010
2010 Trainee Awards
The TDLC training committee has recently awarded small grants to support trainee research and collaboration. |

October 2009
TDLC Trainee Eva Pastalkova, Ph.D., Receives Prestigious Award |
TDLC Trainees Awarded $13,000 in Small Grants
TDLC Trainee wins Cognitive Science Society Grant
Mike Mack wins a $500 travel grant from the Cognitive Science Society to its next meeting in Amsterdam this July. He will present a paper entitled “Recognizing Scenes Containing Consistent or Inconsistent Objects.” Mike is a member of PEN in the Palmeri laboratory at Vanderbilt University. In addition to maintaining his productive program of research, Mike just ended his term as head of the TDLC Trainee Committee. Congratulations Mike.
2009 Betsy Faught Award
Shelley Marquez, executive director of TDLC, the chief administrative officer at the Center for Research in Language, the Institute for Neural Computation and the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind, has been named the recipient of the 2009 Betsy Faught Award. |
TDLC Trainees Awarded $7000 in Small Grants

Sejnowski Elected to Institute of Medicine
The Institute of Medicine announced today the election of a new member, Terrence J. Sejnowski, Ph.D., professor of biology and neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, whose work uses computational models to understand the principles that link brain to behavior. |
TDLC Awarded Full Funding by NSF
NSF recently awarded TDLC $12 Million over the next three years to build on the Center's past three years of research, outreach, and overall success! |
TDLC Graduate Students Receive Pat Burns Memorial Research Award
Jennifer Richler and Michael Mack recently won the Pat Burns Memorial Graduate Student Research Award. This annual award recognizes outstanding achievement in research by a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University. Jenn and Mike are members of the Perceptual Expertise Network as part of the TDLC and work with Thomas Palmeri and Isabel Gauthier. Jenn and Mike were recognized not only for their individual achievements in research but also by their ability to work together as a collaborative team.
TDLC Training Committee Awards $10,000 in Training Grants
In response to a call for proposals announced in February, 2008, the TDLC training committee awarded $10,000 in small grants to support trainee research and collaboration.
Isabel Gauthier honored by the National Academy of Sciences
TDLC Participants Receive Guggenheim, SMART Fellowships
Human Brain Mapping Award to Isabel Gauthier and Tom James
Graduate Students Get Support for TDLC Motion Capture and Brain Dynamics Study